Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Beginning of an Adventure

Today was the start of the To the Woods STEM-mersion class. We started out today by contemplating Henry David Thoreau’s quote, “I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately”, and we discussed possible definitions of living deliberately. We then participated in a team building exercise. The class was divided into two equal halves, and the entire group had to make it across a thirty foot long area, that representing a small river, using only four wooden tiles. The pictures below are of me (the tall, green shirt wearing, blonde haired, ginger bearded fella) attempting to cross the “river” with two other group members. Then we had a guest speaker, Scott Giesel, a senior writing instructor at Wright State University, come in to give a lecture about nature writing techniques. Finally we went over the rules and expectations for this class, and discussed the field  trips we would take over the next two weeks. This has been an exciting start to our To the Woods STEM-mersion class. I look forward to many fun outdoor adventures, and plenty of opportunities for nature observation.

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